GigaBeer added 1 item to PS4 Games I Finished list
Also On: PC, PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox One | Year: 2015
Metascore: 64
Another standalone DLC on this list. I didn't play Saints Row IV, but this is free on PS+ so I gave it a try.
There are couple hours of fun, typical Saints Row humour and gameplay. The graphic aren't pretty and hell isn't very interesting in this game, but I was having fun flying around and destroying everything with some cool weapons like chair with miniguns or the one that shoot exploding frogs...
8 years, 7 months ago
GigaBeer added 1 item to PS4 Games I Finished list
Also On: PC, Xbox One | Year: 2015
Metascore: 92
There are a lot of praises for this game, it won numerous game of the year awards and deservingly so, and although I think it's fantastic game it bored me a little, and it was a chore finishing it, for me.
The world is fantastic, it's beautiful, large and with many variations, the creatures are well designed and cool. Characters are great, it was a pleasure being in Geralt's shoes, and there are some powerful and cool women in the game, like Yennefer of Vengerberg, Triss Merigold and of course Ciri, they have great names too.
But the problem is that the game overwhelmed me with side quest's, there was no way I could finish even half of them, and when I decided to do only main quest those weren't that interesting.
Also I stopped playing The Witcher III, because I started Fallout 4 and Destiny so it was hard to come back to. I must say even when I was little bored, there were some cool scenes and boss fights. There are some little bugs, and framerate drops, but they are not game breaking, and there are less bugs than in Fallout 4, and it's understandable because the game is HUGE. You'll maybe think that I hate the game, but I don't, I love it, but I just didn't enjoyed it as much as majority of gamers...
8 years, 8 months ago
GigaBeer added 1 item to PS4 Games I Finished list
Only on PS4 | Year: 2016
Metascore: 93
In short, if you loved the first 3 games you gonna love A Thief's End too. There are some changes, and you can feel a lot of The Last Of Us, the game is more mature and realistic, but you still gonna see Nathan Drake doing some insane jumps that even some action movie characters wouldn't dare.
It's a very fun game, and I couldn't put down my controller until I finished the campaign, even when my eyes hurt a little I didn't stop, I just needed to see what happens in next chapter. Story is also great, and my favorite from the series, characters really grown on me, and there were some emotional moments, not like in TLOU but close enough. From the technical standpoint the game is fantastic, it's gorgeous looking game, animations and cutscenes are amazing, and gameplay is very smooth and responsive. There are no bugs, at least I didn't see them, except some problems with enemy's AI if you wanna call that a bug, but it's very rare.
Only problem for me is the hiding, it's not intuitive, and there's to much of it, I loved it in TLOU but here I feel like it's out of place, but don't worry there is also a lot of shooting, a lot more than in TLOU. Also like in TLOU enemy don't see your buddy, which is good because they can't do something stupid and screw you, but it can break immersion just a little.
All in all I get exactly what I expected and I'm very pleased with the game. Also it's not just a great game but a great nostalgic trip too, I loved Naughty Dog since Crash Bandicoot, and there are more than a few nods to older Naughty Dog's games.
8 years, 9 months ago
GigaBeer added 1 item to PS4 Games I Finished list
+ Destiny: The Taken King
and Destiny: Rise of Iron
Also On: PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox One | Year: 2014/2015/2016
Metascore: 76/86/73
Although Destiny has many problems, I'm really enjoying it, I played it more than 200 hours, and I'm still playing it, I'll make my third character and even go for platinum trophy probably. I met many friends online because of Destiny, and we even play some other games together now.
I love Destiny because of great gunplay, fun super powers and with friends even grinding and playing the same content over and over isn't even boring, and I can play it all day long. Raids are something I never experience in fps games and they are great, first couple of times anyway. I also love PvP portion of the game, sure I get mad sometimes, but it's still fun for me and I'm not even that crazy about online first person shooters. Also The Taken King is great improvement, and Destiny is much better now than in vanilla days.
8 years, 9 months ago
GigaBeer added 1 item to PS4 Games I Finished list
Also on: PS3 | Year: 2014
Metascore: 79
I love LBP planet series, and although I heard a lot of bad things for the third game I think it's amazing, but it does have few problems. Sumo Digital kept charm, cuteness and creativity from first two games, but there are some bugs, albeit those bugs are rare and usually nothing to worry of, I couldn't finish one side quest and that pissed me of. Main story is shorter than previous games, but both me and my girlfriend had a blast playing it. There are new characters and they are really cute and there is more variety in gameplay. There are tons of levels made by users, and all things from first two games are here. And it's cool to hear Hugh Laurie in LBP, too.
I think it's well worth 10$.
8 years, 10 months ago